Apple Inc. (AAPL): Score-Card Analysis

This analysis attributes an Overall Score to a company by analyzing several aspects that I consider to be among the most important.

In summary, a company to have an overall score close to 100% must have the following characteristics:

  • Report high growth rates in the last 3 years (and in the last quarter) in terms of Revenue, Gross Profit, Operating Income and Net Income. Furthermore, it must operate with high and improving margins in recent years.
  • Analysts expect Earnings Per Share (EPS) and revenues to grow in the short term (in the next quarter) and in the medium to long term (in the next 5 years). Moreover, they expect the company to be undervalued at current prices and in the last quarter their EPS expectations must have been beaten with a consequent rise in share prices.
  • The stock price of the company must have outperformed the S&P 500 index and in the last 3 months the Hedge Funds and Insiders bought shares in the company.

The overall score ranges from -100% (if the characteristics listed above are all very negative) to +100% and it is unlikely that there will be a company with a +100% score because the requirements for achieving this score are very high, however a score higher than +40% can be considered good.

This analysis alone is not enough to decide whether or not to invest in a company because it does not provide indications on the timing of entry, but it is a good starting point.

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Apple Inc. (AAPL)


  • Overall Score: -3.7%
  • Analysts are pessimistic in the short term, but optimistic in the long term
  • Distance from the October 2018 historical price: -6.74%
  • YTD performance: +38.47%

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Full description

The overall score of AAPL is -3.7% .

In the last 6 months, AAPL has overperformed the S&P500 index by 11,0% and analysts believe the company is undervalued by 2,4% .

In the last quarter, the company reported revenues of 53809 million, up by 1,0% compared to the same quarter 12 months earlier. Revenue TTM (Trailing-12-Months) are equal to 259034 million, up by 10,8% in the last 3 years.

AAPL reported an operating income of 11544 million in the last quarter, worsening by -8,5% compared to the same quarter 12 months earlier, also reporting a reduction by -9,4% in the operating margin. Considering the sum of the last four quarters (TTM), AAPL reports an operating income of 64423,0 Million a decrease of -9,6% compared to three years ago and a reduction of -18,4% in the operating margin.

AAPL reported a net income of 10044 million in the last quarter, worsening by -12,8% compared to the same quarter 12 months earlier, also reporting a reduction by -13,7% in the net margin. The TTM net income is 54595 million , a growth of 2,2% compared to three years ago and has worsened by -7,7% .

In the next quarter, analysts expect decrease in EPS (Earnings Per Share) of -3,1% and a decrease in revenue of -0,2% . Furthermore, they expect an annual growth of AAPL EPS by 9,7% for the next 5 years.

In the last quarter, AAPL reported better EPS than analysts’ expectations and the stock price reacted by increasing by 2,0% .

Finally, in the last 3 months the Hedge Funds have decreased their positions by 916.2k shares. The Insiders have sold shares worth $7.27M .

Sources & additional info

*Data updated to the last quarterly report available
*Data in Millions of Dollars
*Data from,,,

This analysis gives you a general idea of whether a company is good or not, but you may also be interested in finding potential entry points, so I am waiting for you here to know about the best chart patterns of today.


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DISCLAIMER: The information in this blog post represents my own analysis/opinions and does not contain a recommendation for any particular security or investment.

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